IEEE NAP Sponsors
IEEE Nanotechnology Counсil
The IEEE Nanotechnology Council focuses on the advancement and coordination of work in the field of Nanotechnology. The Council is a multi-disciplinary group supporting the theory, design, and development of nanotechnology and its scientific, engineering, and industrial applications. The Council sponsors well-recognized, international conferences and publications. Through the Council’s sponsored activities, participants have the opportunity to publish and collaborate on research, network with colleagues, stay current on news and events, develop standards, and participate in educational activities. There are no membership requirements to join and participation in this Technical Council is free for current IEEE members!
Institute of Electrical Engineering Slovak Academy of Sciences
Institute of Electrical Engineering Slovak Academy of Sciences (IEE SAS) is a scientific institution founded in 1953. Research areas of the institute cover disciplines of electronic and electrical engineering and solid-state physics supported by extensive material research. Our researchers implement international projects supported by European Commission (H2020, ERDF), and national projects supported by APVV and VEGA agencies.
Research activities of IEE SAS are currently focused on Physics and technology at nanoscale, III-V compound semiconductors, Microelectronic sensors and detectors, Applied superconductivity
Sumy State University
Sumy State University (SumDU) is a higher educational institution in Sumy, Ukraine. It enrolls over 12 000 students pursuing pre-undergraduate, undergraduate, specialist, and master degrees in 57 majors and 25 fields. About 1 300 foreign students represent almost 50 countries worldwide. Today, SumDU is a leading university of a classical type with the III-IV accreditation level in the region.
SumDU enters the TOP-group (3%) of leading universities of the world and is classified as a university with high research intensity according to the international ranking of higher education institutions QS World University Rankings. According to these rankings, SumDU enters the group of leading Ukrainian universities. SumDU also ranked 101-150 among the fastest-rising young stars of the higher education world by the QS.
University of Latvia
The University of Latvia stands as a premier educational and research institution in Latvia, holding a distinguished position among the Baltic states. Its mission is to contribute significantly to global scientific advancement, higher education, and the transfer of knowledge, technology, and innovation. Renowned for its scientific excellence on an international scale, the University of Latvia cultivates an interdisciplinary, innovative, and open environment conducive to exceptional work and study. The University’s activities are fundamental to the sustainable development and economic transformation of the Republic of Latvia.
National Research & Development Institute for Non-ferrous and Rare Metals - IMNR
Founded in 1966, IMNR is a strategic institute in the field of non-ferrous metals metallurgy research and applications, focused on responding with the highest quality services to scientists and business needs. Innovation and know-how transfer are the core of research activity in IMNR. Starting from 2004, IMNR became a national R&D institute organized in three laboratories according to the scientific research directions developed by the institute: i) Eco-technologies and Environmental Protection Laboratory; ii) Nanostructured Materials Laboratory, and iii) Advanced Materials.