Endorsed by

Slovak Academy of Sciences

The Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS) is the main scientific and research institution in Slovakia fostering basic and strategic basic research.

Its primary mission is to acquire new knowledge of nature, society, and technology, specifically targeted at ensuring scientific basis for the advancement in Slovakia. It comprises 58 scientific institutes and 13 ancillary institutions. The SAV edits 44 scientific and scholarly journals and 100–120 monographs per annum. Moreover, 41 scientific and scholarly societies, which associate scientists and scholars from various disciplines, are affiliated with SAV.

Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine is the central body of executive power, whose activity is directed and coordinated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. MES is part of the executive power and is the main body in the system of central executive authorities to ensure the formation and implementation of public policies in the areas of education and science, scientific, technology and innovation, information, formation and use of national electronic information resources, creating conditions for the development of the information society, as well as in the implementation of state supervision (control) over the activities of educational institutions regardless of their subordination and form of ownership.

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