IEEE NAP'24 Conference
Dear Colleagues,
We invite you to present your most exciting nanomaterials-related research at the #IEEENAP Conference!
The 2024 IEEE 14th International Conference “Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties” will be held at the Radisson Blu Latvija Conference & Spa Hotel on Sept. 8-13, 2024, in Riga, Latvia.
The Conference is organized through a partnership between the IEEE Nanotechnology Council and the University of Latvia, and technical support from the Latvian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Electronics and Computer Sciences and Sumy State University, with endorsements and support from the IEEE Magnetics Society.
The prime focus of the IEEE NAP-2024 is on nanoscale materials with emphasis on interdisciplinary research exploring and exploiting their unique physical and chemical proprieties for practical applications. Although nanoscience and nanotechnology are still in their infancy, this rapidly evolving field of research is quickly transforming almost all aspects of our everyday life. From the low power electronics and supercomputers to advanced drugs and personalized medicine, from new industrial applications and renewable energy to advanced transportation and clean air technologies, nanoscience is the foundation of many transformational discoveries in the decades to come.
Our goal is to bring together a broad international community of scientists, engineers, and educators who are already involved in defining a future where the understanding and controlling matter at the nanoscale will ultimately lead to revolutionary technological and industrial advances. Our attendees are leading international experts from industry and academia – chemists, physicists, materials scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs. Thus, it is not surprising that the NAP conferences traditionally attract many local and international Ph.D. students and early career professionals. Similar to the past NAP Conferences, the conference proceeding manuscripts (4+ printed pages) will be peer-reviewed by independent reviewers and evaluated by the Organizing Committee. The papers of good technical quality containing exciting and novel (unpublished) results on one or more topics of the Conference will be recommended for publication in the IEEE Digital Xplorer Library, indexed by the Scopus (IEEE will make the final decision).
The #IEEENAP Organizing Committee is looking forward to meeting you in Riga!
Organizing Committee
IEEE NAP-2024 Organizing Committee
Modris Greitāns | Latvian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Electronics and Computer Sciences (Latvia), Honorary Chair |
Valentine Novosad | Argonne National Laboratory (USA), General Chair |
Maksym Pogorielov | University of Latvia (Latvia), Sumy State University (Ukraine), General Chair & Local Organizing Committee Chair |
Alexander Pogrebnjak | Sumy State University (Ukraine), Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, General Co-Chair |
Yurii Shabelnyk | Sumy State University (Ukraine), Secretary |
Conference Program Committee: | |
Goran Karapetrov | Drexel University (USA), Chair |
Donāts Erts | University of Latvia, Latvian Academy of Science (Latvia) |
Jānis Spīgulis | University of Latvia, Latvian Academy of Science (Latvia) |
Andris Šternbergs | Institute of Solid State Physics, Latvian Academy of Science (Latvia) |
Andris Šutka | Riga Technical University, Latvian Academy of Science (Latvia) |
Andris Anspoks | Institute of Solid State Physics (Latvia) |
Lucia Gemma Delogu | University of Padua (Italy) |
Arunas Ramanavicius | Vilnius University (Lithuania) |
Almira Ramanavičienė | Vilnius University (Lithuania) |
Iaroslav Gnilitskyi | Lviv Polytechnic National University (Ukraine), King’s College London (United Kingdom) |
Oleksandr Prokopenko | Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine), Publication Chair |
Viktoriia Korniienko | Sumy State University (Ukraine), University of Latvia (Latvia), Publication Co-Chair |
Inga Šīrante | University of Latvia, Finance & Exhibits Chair |
Alina Dvornichenko | Sumy State University (Ukraine), WiSE Chair |
Laura Fusco | University of Padua (Italy), WiSE Co-Chair |
Anna Nenia | Sumy State University (Ukraine), Awards & Grants Chair |
Volodymyr Deineka | University of Latvia (Latvia), Sumy State University (Ukraine), Awards & Grants Co-Chair |
Matteo Bruno Lodi | University of Cagliari (Italy), Student & YP Activities Co-Chair |
Kateryna Smyrnova | Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (Slovakia), Student & YP Activities Co-Chair |
Marta Wala-Kapica | Silesian University of Technology (Poland), Student & YP Activities Co-Chair |
Kateryna Diedkova | Sumy State University (Ukraine), University of Latvia (Latvia), Student & YP Activities Co-Chair |
Martin Sahul | Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (Slovakia), Student & YP Activities Co-Chair |
International Scientific Advisory Board
Valentine Novosad | Argonne National Laboratory (USA), Chair |
Maksym Pogorielov | University of Latvia & Sumy State University, Co-Chair |
André Anders | Leibniz Institute of Surface Engineering (Germany) |
Aleksandra Baron-Wiechec | United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Oxford (United Kingdom) |
Oksana Chubykalo-Fesenko | CSIC – Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (Spain) |
Nicola Pinna | Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany) |
Kremena Makasheva | French National Center for Scientific Research – CNRS (France) |
Denise Erb | Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research, HZDR (Germany) |
Ali Erdemir | Texas A&M University (USA) |
Yury Gogotsi | Drexel University (USA) |
Laura H. Greene | Florida State University & National High Magnetic Field Laboratory – Tallahassee (USA) |
Vladimir Tsukruk | Georgia Institute of Technology (USA) |
James E. Morris | Portland State University (USA) |
Viera Skakalova | Institute of Electrical Engineering Slovak Academy of Sciences (Slovakia) |
Oleksiy Kolezhuk | Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine) |
Vladimir Komanicky | Pavol Jozef Safarik University (Slovakia) |
Oleg Lupan | Technical University of Moldova (Moldova) |
Yuko Ichiyanagi | Yokohama National University (Japan) |
Tetsuya Nakamura | Tohoku University (Japan) |
Alexander Pogrebnjak | Sumy State University (Ukraine) |
Marek Przybylski | AGH University of Science and Technology (Poland) |
Sara Majetich | Carnegie Mellon University (USA) |
Tijana Rajh | Arizona State University (USA) |
Montserrat Rivas | University of Oviedo (Spain) |
Wojciech Simka | Silesian University of Technology (Poland) |
Fedir Sizov | V.E. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics NAS of Ukraine (Ukraine) |
Oksana Sulaieva | Medical Laboratory CSD (Ukraine) |
Tetiana Tatarchuk | Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Ukraine) |
Oleksandr Tovstolytkin | Institute of Magnetism NAS of Ukraine (Ukraine) |
Nicoletta Ditaranto | University of Bari Aldo Moro (Italy) |
Local Organizing Committee
Modris Greitāns | Latvian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Electronics and Computer Sciences, Honorary Chair |
Maksym Pogorielov | University of Latvia, Sumy State University, General Chair & Local Organizing Committee Chair |
Inga Šīrante | University of Latvia, Finance & Exhibits Chair |
Donāts Erts * | University of Latvia, Latvian Academy of Science (Latvia) |
Jānis Spīgulis * | University of Latvia, Latvian Academy of Science (Latvia) |
Andris Šutka * | Riga Technical University, Latvian Academy of Science (Latvia) |
Andris Anspoks * | Institute of Solid State Physics (Latvia) |
Andris Šternbergs * | Institute of Solid State Physics, Latvian Academy of Science (Latvia) |
Viktoriia Korniienko | University of Latvia (Latvia), Sumy State University (Ukraine) Publication Co-Chair |
Volodymyr Deineka | University of Latvia (Latvia), Sumy State University (Ukraine), Awards & Grants Co-Chair |
Kateryna Diedkova | University of Latvia (Latvia), Sumy State University (Ukraine), Student & YP Activities Co-Chair |
*) Conference Program Committee
Partners & Sponsors
IEEE Magnetics Society
The IEEE Magnetics Society is the premier organization for professionals in magnetics research and technology. We are interested in all matters involved in the fundamental development, design, and application of magnetic devices and materials. IEEE Magnetics Society fosters exchange of information among its members and within the global technical community, including education and training of engineers and scientists. IEEE Magnetics Society was established in 1964. Today it has over 3,000 members and 40+ Chapters worldwide. We sponsor conferences, workshops, annual summer school for students, offer free books and publications, provide an international platform for networking with like-minded peers, recognize our members with career achievement awards, organize Distinguished Lecturers program and much more!
Angstrom Engineering Inc.
Angstrom Engineering is a leading international supplier of thin film deposition equipment. All our products are designed and assembled on-site by our engineers, technologists, and technicians. From cutting-edge labs to renowned research facilities worldwide, our tools empower innovation. We provide ready access to our engineering team, so you can speak directly to someone with many years of experience if you need help identifying the correct system for your lab, have any questions or need support. Ensuring a seamless experience from selection to post-purchase support.
U.S. - Ukraine Foundation
BioUkraine is the U.S.–Ukraine Foundation’s initiative aimed at supporting the advancement of biotechnology in Ukraine by encouraging innovative approaches by students, researchers, entrepreneurs, and small- and medium-sized businesses. The project, made possible through generous financial support of donors, seeks to expand educational and economic opportunities for the people of Ukraine, equipping them with the tools, training, and connections they need to be on the cutting edge of meaningful discovery. We believe in unleashing the potential of scientists in Ukraine to empower them in fighting global diseases, feeding the world’s growing population, and protecting our planet.
Respilon was founded in 2013 as the company focused on the commercialization of advanced nanofiber products.
Respilon are a Czech technology company that helps people live a better and healthier life through nanofibers and have been operating on the international market for ten years.
Respilon are dedicated to research, development, production and sales of nanofiber products in healthcare, industry, cosmetics and fashion. Our mission is to find novel applications for the specific properties of nanofibers to help people from all around the world live better and healthier lives.
Linary Nanotech
Linari Nanotech is a brand of Linari Engineering Holding. For ten years, Linari Nanotech design the most innovative electrospinning solution for R&D and small production lots for biomedical, textile, sensing, automotive, printing, and many other application fields. Several times recognized as one of the world market leaders.
IEEE Nanotechnology Counсil
The IEEE Nanotechnology Council focuses on the advancement and coordination of work in the field of Nanotechnology. The Council is a multi-disciplinary group supporting the theory, design, and development of nanotechnology and its scientific, engineering, and industrial applications. The Council sponsors well-recognized, international conferences and publications. Through the Council’s sponsored activities, participants have the opportunity to publish and collaborate on research, network with colleagues, stay current on news and events, develop standards, and participate in educational activities. There are no membership requirements to join and participation in this Technical Council is free for current IEEE members!
University of Latvia

The University of Latvia stands as a premier educational and research institution in Latvia, holding a distinguished position among the Baltic states. Its mission is to contribute significantly to global scientific advancement, higher education, and the transfer of knowledge, technology, and innovation. Renowned for its scientific excellence on an international scale, the University of Latvia cultivates an interdisciplinary, innovative, and open environment conducive to exceptional work and study. The University’s activities are fundamental to the sustainable development and economic transformation of the Republic of Latvia.
Sumy State University

Sumy State University (SumDU) is a higher educational institution in Sumy, Ukraine. It enrolls over 12 000 students pursuing pre-undergraduate, undergraduate, specialist, and master degrees in 57 majors and 25 fields. About 1 300 foreign students represent almost 50 countries worldwide. Today, SumDU is a leading university of a classical type with the III-IV accreditation level in the region.
SumDU enters the TOP-group (3%) of leading universities of the world and is classified as a university with high research intensity according to the international ranking of higher education institutions QS World University Rankings. According to these rankings, SumDU enters the group of leading Ukrainian universities. SumDU also ranked 101-150 among the fastest-rising young stars of the higher education world by the QS.
Institute of Electronics and Computer Science

The Institute of Electronics and Computer Science (EDI) is the highest-rated scientific institution in Latvia in the field of engineering and technologies, with a distinguished focus on Smart Embedded Cooperative Systems. EDI’s mission is to perceive the world and design a better future by creating new knowledge, developing innovative technologies, and demonstrating their practical significance in real-life applications. Leveraging its expertise across various domains including smart mobility, industry, health, digital life, energy, and space, EDI is committed to advancing research in the following key areas: extremely precise event timing, remote sensing and space data processing, robotics and machine perception, signal processing and embedded intelligence, as well as smart sensors and IoT.
Endorsed by
Latvian Academy of Sciences

The Latvian Academy of Sciences (LAS) was founded in February 1946 According to the charter of the LAS adopted in 1992, one of the main tasks of the Academy is to promote the development of basic and applied sciences in Latvia, interdisciplinary research in particular, as well as to pass the cultural and historical heritage of the Latvian people on to world culture and science.
The Latvian Academy of Sciences represents Latvia in: the International Council for Science (ICSU), Association of All European Academies (ALLEA), World Federation of Scientists (WFS), Union Académique Internationale (UAI), UNESCO, InterAcademy Panel (IAP) and other international scientific organizations.
It has three divisions, which unite members (327 members, including 95 full members, 90 corresponding members, 50 honorary members, and 97 foreign members) according to the principle of related sciences.
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine is the central body of executive power, whose activity is directed and coordinated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. MES is part of the executive power and is the main body in the system of central executive authorities to ensure the formation and implementation of public policies in the areas of education and science, scientific, technology and innovation, information, formation and use of national electronic information resources, creating conditions for the development of the information society, as well as in the implementation of state supervision (control) over the activities of educational institutions regardless of their subordination and form of ownership.