Authors Guide

IEEE NAP Conference Materials Submission

1. ABSTRACT(s) submission:

All conference attendees are expected to (1) register and (2) upload their abstract(s) through our website (if planning to present their work). For preparing abstracts you can use these basic rules.
The deadline for abstract submissions is April 13, 2025.

Submit your Abstract HERE.

2. Conference MANUSCRIPT (Proceedings Paper) submission:

We invite all participants to prepare and upload conference proceeding manuscripts to be considered for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library after the peer-review process. “One presenter – one manuscript” rule will be enforced. 

All manuscripts should be formatted using the IEEE template and follow the instructions regarding the manuscript structure, font size, and requirements for figures, tables, equations, and cited literature. All manuscripts are submitted after the approval of abstracts. The deadline for manuscript submissions is May 25, 2025. 

Submit your Paper HERE

All submitted manuscripts will be evaluated using the following criteria:
Title and Abstract should reflect the content of the manuscript.
– Originality of the work. All manuscripts are expected to contain original (unpublished) results. Review articles are acceptable for invited speakers only.
Technical quality. Experimental and theoretical techniques and methods should be described in sufficient detail. All figures/graphics should be of good quality, with labels and any captions in English only, font size 8 or larger.
Conclusions/summary should be informative and supported by the presented data and should not “copy-paste” of the abstract and/or introduction.
– All References should be related to the topic of the manuscript. Typically ~10-20 references are sufficient for a conference manuscript. Excessive self-citation (> 25%) will not be allowed.
– The articles should be written in standard English. The manuscript with poor English will be returned without review.

The manuscript submitted will be peer-reviewed. If your submission is accepted, it will be proposed for inclusion into IEEE Xplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A and I) databases. Note, if the work not presented at the conference (“no-show”), it will be automatically removed from the Conference Proceedings and will not be submitted to IEEE.

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