Conference Grants


“East Meets West” Grant Program

“East Meets West” grant program is designed to facilitate and encourage the participation of full-time Ph.D. students and certain underrepresented groups by providing support to cover the conference registration fees/travel/meals/accommodation, on a competitive basis.

The application should be a single PDF or DOC file, with the file name that includes the applicant’s last name, followed by their presentation ID. For example: Petrenko_1097Poster.pdf, McClaremy_4321Oral.doc, etc.  The  following information is expected:

1) REQUIRED: Detailed Cover Letter with Abstract/Manuscript ID#, justifying the need for grant support;
2) REQUIRED: One-page abstract of the IEEE NAP-2025 presentation; 
3) WILL BE CONSIDERED: Resume or CV with the list of publications included;
4) REQUIRED: For students only:  Recommendation Letter from their supervisor or senior colleague;
5) REQUIRED: For students only: Copy of current student’s ID card

All grantees are expected to attend the entire conference and actively participate in its technical sessions.  

“East Meets West” grant applications should be emailed to before June 10th, 2025, with “IEEE NAP2025 Grant Application” in the subject line. The applications will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis, thus please do not delay! Post-deadline submissions will NOT be considered.

The decisions will be emailed to successful applicants by July 31th, 2025, or earlier.

This grant is exclusively sponsored by the  Wolfgang Pauli Institute (WPI) Vienna. The Institute has been actively supporting Ukraine and Ukrainian scientists since the beginning of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The 3rd round of Pauli Ukraine scholarships (March 2024) provided support for 20 Ukrainian scientists who (have to) stay in their country.

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